Founded in 1982 by former executives of American Optical Corporation (Warner Lambert Company), Techman International Corporation has grown steadily as a manufacturer of high technology products. Starting as a Research and Development company, it became a significant manufacturer of wireless transceivers and modems in 1984 when it invented the TCL wireless modem for the LAN marketplace. It has now become a multi-product company specializing in fiber optic technology and high precision instrumentation. It maintains research and production facilities at its headquarters in Charlton, Massachusetts and has begun value added sales to the  communications industry. The Massachusetts staff consists of technical personnel engaged in proprietary research, specialized manufacturing, and new technology development. The company also employs highly specialized local sales personnel overseas.

Techman owns several patents in the field of fiberoptics and medical instrumentation. The company is a member of NEFC, and a former member of the New England Fiberoptic Council and CAFA, the Center for Advanced FiberOptic Applications, a high technology alliance involving NASA, the University of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Electric Company and other fiberoptic companies such as Lucent Technologies and Schott Fiberoptics.

The company is structured into three major divisions offering extensive product coverage in the photonics field.

Techman is a key investor in Technical Communications Corporation, (NASDAQ - TCCO), where Dr. Mahmud Awan, Techman CEO, has previously been Chairman of the Board from 1998 to 2001.